Interventions In Lieu of Conviction

Here at FESC, we want to help the court and the defendant find the right solution to keep both parties happy. That means finding the intervention that most mitigates the likelihood of a new crime, relapse, or act of violence from occurring. While that’s not always going to be possible, we are going to use as many resources as possible to connect each individual with the appropriate intervention. The rest of it is up to the individual to make it happen.

The Ohio statute regarding Intervention in Lieu of Conviction is very specific about what criteria need to be met to recommend an intervention. An appropriate intervention is never going to be easy or fast. The individual has to be willing to make a significant behavioral health change to at least one of four potential conditions. Our staff will use expert training and experience to assess each individual and synthesize that information into a plan for recovery.

Each assessment takes about ninety minutes with a licensed forensic expert, and completion of several self-report checklists, and a review of additional information. Every individual’s situation is unique and the recommendations will take into account as much information as can be revealed.

At the end of the assessment, a written report including all the available information will be provided to the court explaining the factors that contributed to the charges, the most suitable interventions to help alleve that condition, the defendant’s likelihood of success with these interventions and what might interfere with success. With this report, the court can make an informed decision about how to proceed.