OCR Session Note

Choose your name here.
This is for billing. We have a grant to pay for the Adult Courts assigned to our catchment area. Juvenile Courts are FEE for SERVICE.
Selected Value: 0
15 minute increments (up to 120)
Selected Value: 0
0 is no concern. 15 is concerned enough that you are going to contact the treatment provider. 20 means we will contact the court about this concern. 30 is concerned enough to PINK SLIP the individual. All actions must be documented in the chart.
Describe the service you provided so you know enough about it to start the next session. Topics, progress or obstacles, interruptions, or next steps (ready to go to court, opined incomp and not restorable). IF YOU WERE IN A TRAINING SESSION, add your NAME HERE.

It is considered a fundamental right of "due process" for one to understand the mechanics of the legal proceedings so that you can participate meaningfully in your defense.